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'Laziest City' holds 'Sedentary Parade'
'Laziest City' holds 'Sedentary Parade', When Lexington was named the "Laziest City in America" this summer, the group "get Healthy Lexington" sprang into action. Sunday, the group held a "Sedentary Parade" to poke fun at the title.

"Sometimes it's important to take our work seriously, but not ourselves," says Mayor Jim Gray. "It's important to poke fun at ourselves in order to make improvements."

Lexington laziest city. Tim Francis created a moving sofa, designed with everything you could find in an ordinary living room. "I built this a couple of years ago to be in parades, and I thought this is the perfect parade for this couch," says Tim. Lexington laziest city,

lexington sedentary parade poke fun at title. The sofa was the centerpiece of a humorous response to Lexington's reputation for being lazy. "Lexington may not be the healthiest, but we know we're not the most sedentary or unhealthiest either," says Gray. lexington sedentary parade poke fun at title,

But we do still have some problems. "We're number two in the nation for tooth loss, number three in the nation for child obesity and number 4 in the nation for overall obesity," says Kathleen Martin, who organized the parade. lexington "sedentary parade" "day of physical activity", lexington sedentary parade,

After the parade, Lexington got serious about getting active. The parade kicked off what's actually the 4th annual Second Sunday. 100 of 120 Kentucky counties took part in physical activities Sunday, organized by "Get Healthy Kentucky."

The University of Kentucky Hospital believes Men's Health Magazine, who ranked Lexington most sedentary, was working off inaccurate numbers. They plan on debunking the ranking.

Source: lex18

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