New information Exists.....

Jenna Talachkova was born a girl.
However, in 14 years, she underwent a course of hormone therapy, and at the age of 19 years went to plastic surgeons,
who brought it to the end of reincarnation.
When Jenna was 23, she decided to take part in the Miss Universe Canada.
She managed to take several rounds before the judges did not disclose her secret.
In the end, Jenna Talachkova was disqualified.

Thus, the organizers of the contest «Miss Universe Canada» confirmed that Jenna is a "real girl", but it was disqualified from paragraph in the regulations, which states that the participating beauty contests are only girls who were female at birth, and have not purchased it, as Talakova through surgery and drugs.

Jenna told CTV News, that she needed a few days to comprehend the situation until she had discussed it with lawyers.

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