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Today in Moscow ceremony log the most important Christmas tree country. The spruce, which will install on the Kremlin's Cathedral Square, looking for all year. As a result, the choice to stop the tree from Volokolamsk.

Age ate more than one hundred years, and the height of 30 meters. According to the forest the tree in any case subject to the control room, so damage to the environment will not be applied. All data are entered in a special tree database.

Before starting the main log Volokolamsk district forester handed symbolic ax on one side reads "Volokolamskoe forest," but on the other - "Klinskoe forest", there fir felled in the past year.

After log foresters saw off another part of the trunk.

The tradition set in the Kremlin New Year's fir appeared in the early 20th century. After the revolution, the tradition was abolished. Revived the Christmas spruce log cabin in 1996. The corresponding decree was issued the first Russian President Boris Yeltsin. Each year, spruce chopped it in the suburbs. Any particular reason this does not.
During the night, will be carefully packaged spruce, and tomorrow we will go to Moscow.
At Cathedral Square on the 19th will set fir, and 20 she will appear before the residents and guests in a festive decoration. Apart from packaging and decorations, the Christmas tree this year and still pomoyut.

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